Skill development Programs

The Skill Development Arm of LBD

Skill Acquisition Platform “Quarterly Event”?

The LBD Skill Development Ideas is one of the programs under the Organizations Core Mandate, "Skill Development Project". This is the skill development arm of the Initiative; the goal is to create an enabling for young people, students, civil servants and entreprenuers to upgrade their skills so that they will be relevant in an evolving world like ours.

Our Long time goal is to inspire competence, vocational and Life building skills in the lives of One million Africans whom are expected to empower young people within in their local environment.
The Project is currently active and on-going; We look forward to partnering with spirited individuals, corporate organizations, government agencies and non governmental organizations who are passionate about doing something to alleviate the allarming rate of unemployment in the country.
Past Clips of LBD Skill Acquisition Program



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Ground Floor, Wing A, Reinsuarance building, CBD Abuja.

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