The Entrepreneurs' Academy

Raising Entrepreneurs with A Winning Mindset

The Entrepreneurs' Academy “A Monthly Event”

The Entreprenuer's Academy (TEA) is one of the programs under the "Skill Development Project". The goal is to create a robust platforms for entreprenuers to come together, talk about their challenges and discuss how they can surmount these challenges for their businesses to succeed.

According to an National Bureau of Statistics, (NBS) report, 80% of Start-ups (Entreprenuers) in Nigeria fail due to some legitimate issues facing the country. The goal of this platform is to inspire emerging entreprenuers with a winning mindset toward their entreprenuerial journey.
This Program is currently on-going with a focus on "MIndset of an Entreprenuer". The goals is to help potential entreprenuers identify their area of business interests, educate potential entreprenuers how business plan writing and also expose them to grant opportunities that are available online.
Past Clips of The Entreprenuers Academy



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